Before running the Vault Consistency Wizard (VCW), you must prepare the Meridian application server and the vault for maximum performance and stability.
Tip The VCW does need not to be executed only on the server computer where the vault resides. A backup of the vault can be restored onto an offline computer, possibly with better hardware, and the VCW run there while the source vault remains available for read-only access. The online vault can be made read-only by modifying the security role assignments to prevent any changes. Document authors and editors may want to check out active documents to their Local Workspace before the vault is made read-only. They can then modify the Local Workspace copies offline. After the VCW has finished and the resulting vault has been verified that no inconsistencies exist, it can be restored back onto the original server and production resumed.
Note The VCW is very memory and disk intensive. When running the VCW, the amount of physical memory installed on the server and the speed of the hard disks can affect the time it takes to run the VCW.
Complete the following steps before running the Vault Consistency Wizard.
Warning Run these steps in the order they are listed in this document!
If SQL Server (Meridian only) is the vault’s database engine, confirm that the following registry value (DWORD), if present, is set to the default of 8. If the value is not present, you do not need to create it.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Installed DataStores\<VaultName>\CompoundItemService\LoggingLimit
If SQL Server is the vault’s database engine (dedicated to Meridian only) and SQL Server resides on the same computer where the VCW is run (Meridian server), then the following setting should be considered.
By default, SQL Server uses as much of the available server memory as you allow it. This can cause problems with the VCW depending on the amount of physical memory and the size of the vault database, so SQL Server memory use should be adjusted while the VCW is run.
In SQL Server Management Studio, set the maximum memory used by SQL Server to the following:
Physical memory - 4 GB for the operating system - database file size X 1 if the Optimize database cache memory option described in Running the Vault Consistency Wizard is enabled. If the option is disabled, then the database file size X 2.
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About the Vault Consistency Toolkit
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